Getting Started

Overview/What's Ryu the Network Operating System

Ryu is an open-sourced Network Operating System which is licensed under Apache v2.0. It supports openflow protocol.

If you are not familiar with Software Defined Network(SDN) and OpenFlow/openflow controller, please refer to openflow org .

The mailing list is available at ryu-devel ML

Installing Ryu Network Operating System

Extract source code and just type:

% python ./ install

Then, run ryu-manager. It listens to ip address and port 6633 by default. Then have your openflow switch (hardware or openvswitch OVS) to connect to ryu-manager.

For OVS case, you can done it by

% ovs-vsctl set-controller <your bridge> tcp:<ip addr>[:<port: default 6633>]

At the moment, ryu-manager supports only tcp method. If you want to use it with openstack nova and quantum OVS plugin, Please refer to Using Ryu Network Operating System with OpenStack as OpenFlow controller.

invoking application and Configuration

It can be configured by passing configuration file like:

ryu-manager [generic/application specific options...]

At the moment applications including the following ones are available (And more to come as Ryu evolves.)


The generic available is as follows:

--app-lists: application module name to run;
  repeat this option to specify a list of values
--help: show help

The options for REST server:

--wsapi-host: webapp listen host
  (default: '')
--wsapi-port: webapp listen port
  (default: '8080')
  (an integer)

The options for openflow controller:

--ofp-listen-host: openflow listen host
  (default: '')
--ofp-tcp-listen-port: openflow tcp listen port
  (default: '6633')
  (an integer)

The options for log:

--default-log-level: default log level
  (an integer)
--log-dir: log file directory
--log-file: log file name
--log-file-mode: default log file permission
  (default: '0644')
--[no]use-stderr: log to standard error
  (default: 'true')
--use-syslog: output to syslog
  (default: 'False')
--[no]verbose: show debug output
  (default: 'false')

The option for oslo.config.cfg:

--config-file: Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files
  can be specified, with values in later files taking precedence.
  (default: [])
--config-dir: Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from.
  This file set is sorted, so as to provide a predictable parse order if
  individual options are over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s),
  if any, specified via --config-file, hence over-ridden options in the
  directory take precedence.

Invoking Example

The example is as follows:

% PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ryu-manager --wsapi-port 8081 --verbose --app-lists,
loading app
loading app
loading app ryu.controller.ofp_handler
creating context dpset
creating context wsgi
creating context network
instantiating app
instantiating app
instantiating app ryu.controller.ofp_handler
BRICK dpset
  CONSUMES EventOFPStateChange
  CONSUMES EventOFPPortStatus
  CONSUMES EventOFPSwitchFeatures
BRICK ofp_event
  PROVIDES EventOFPStateChange TO ['dpset']
  PROVIDES EventOFPPortStatus TO ['dpset', 'SimpleIsolation']
  PROVIDES EventOFPPacketIn TO ['SimpleIsolation']
  PROVIDES EventOFPSwitchFeatures TO ['dpset', 'SimpleIsolation']
  CONSUMES EventOFPEchoRequest
  CONSUMES EventOFPSwitchFeatures
BRICK network
BRICK SimpleIsolation
  CONSUMES EventOFPPortStatus
  CONSUMES EventOFPSwitchFeatures